Eco Design2011ーRegistration   English | Japanese
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Registration & Hotel Accommodation page

Registration fee


Early (July 7 - Sept. 22 Oct. 31)  Extended

Late (Sept 23 - Oct. 31 Nov. 1 - Nov. 16 and On-Site)

Speaker (Other than student)

JPY 55,000
(dedline: Oct. 10)


Student Speaker or non-speaker

JPY 25,000
(Additional payment - 7,000 yen - is needed for participating in the conference banquet.)

Member *2

JPY 55,000

JPY 65,000


JPY 65,000

JPY 75,000

For accompanying person
  Welcome Party ticket
  Banquet ticket

JPY 3,000

JPY 7,000

*1 Speakers should make registration before submitting full papers.
*2 "Member" means individuals who belong to member organizations of The Union of EcoDesigners, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Sponsors, Cosponsors, Cosponsorship, and Osaka University Center of Environmental Innovation Design for Sustainability.

What is included in the registration fees?
 Other than student: Proceedings (USB), Program, Welcome Party, Lunch, Coffee, Banquet
 Student: Proceedings (USB), Program, Welcome Party, Lunch, Coffee (Banquet ticket can be purchased by 7,000 yen)

Cancellation policy
 Processing fee:
 Before October 31: 30% of registration fee
 On and after November 1: 100% of registraiton fee (no refund)

Payment options & Hotel Accommodation
 Please refer the registration procedure page.

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