Gold Sponsor


Financial Supports


  • 経済産業省
  • 環境省
  • 文部科学省

Past Symposiums

Best paper

EcoDesign2015 Best Paper Awards were awarded to the following authors and papers.
The Best Papers were selected from 70 e-book papers. The papers were evaluated in their contents, persuasiveness, and presentation quality.

Haruki Tsuchiya
Research Institute for Systems Technology, Japan
“Sustainable energy strategy primarily involving renewable resources in Japan”
Sharon Prendeville, and N.Bocken
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
"Design for remanufacturing and circular business models"
Yannick De Bock*, A.Auquilla*, K.Kellens*, D.Vandevenne*, A.Nowe, J.Duflou*
*KU Leuven, Belgium
“User adapting system design for improved energy efficiency during the use phase of products: case study of an occupancy-driven, self learning thermostat”
Rattanawan Mungkung, S.Intrachooto, T.Nudchanate, and K.Sorakon
Kasetsart University, Thailand
“Global initiative on UPCYCLE carbon footprint certification and label systems for creative waste management and greenhouse gas reduction”

EcoDesign2015 best paper award committee
- Chair: Prof. Hideki Kobayashi (Osaka University, Japan)
- Dr. Nils F. Nissen (Fraunhofer IZM, Germany)
- Prof. Jahau L. Chen (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)
- Dr. Mitsutaka Matsumoto (AIST, Japan)
- Prof. Kunmo Lee (Ajou University, Korea)