Gold Sponsor


Financial Supports


  • 経済産業省
  • 環境省
  • 文部科学省

Past Symposiums

Special Features

Awardees of the financial support program for young researchers from Asian countries
Jessica Hanafi (Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia)
[B8-3] "Preliminary research on the perception and implementation of sustainable supply chain in Indonesian companies"
Keshav Parajuly (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) (Nationality: Nepal)
[C3-3] "A methodology platform for improved resource recovery from electronic products and design for end-of-life"
Supachai Vongbunyong (King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand)
[C7-4] "Selective volume fusing method for cellular structure integration"
Ghita Yoshanti Syahrul (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia)
[P4-4] "Batik life cycle assessment analysis (LCA) for improving batik small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sustainable production in Surakarta, Indonesia"
Hoang Thanh Tung (The University of Queensland, Australia) (Nationality: Vietnam)
[A7-3] "Sustainable development of the food supply chains from consumer's perspective: A case study of plum supply chain in the northwest upland Vietnam"
Call for Application:Financial support for young researchers from Asian countries (Closed)

Please note that financial support is available for young reserchers from Asian countries, by courtesy of The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund(FEC FUND). Purpose: To provide financial support for travel expenses to graduate students and young researchers form Asian countries, who may othewise be difficult to attend EcoDesign2015. We provide up to 100,000JPY for each to support his/her travel expenses, and we provide it to up to 10 attendees.


  1. Applicants should present paper(s)(either oral or poster) at the symposium
  2. Applicants should be graduate students or are aged 35 or under
  3. Applicants have Asian nationalities

To apply, please follow the following instruction, and send the application by 22nd, April 30th, April, 2015.

  1. Submit the abstract via the submission system (by 15th, April 30th, April)
  2. Send an email to the symposium secretariat. Please notify the name, presentation title, affiliation, education, nationality, birthday, and reason of the application. Also send ascanned ID(toprove the age). (by 22nd, April 30th, April

If you have any questions, please contact the symposium secretariat.

EcoDesign2015 secretariat: "ecodesign2015_secretariat[atmark]"