Gold Sponsor


Financial Supports


  • 経済産業省
  • 環境省
  • 文部科学省

Past Symposiums



The purpose of EcoDesign 2015 is to bring together worldwide professionals interested in advancing the state of the art in EcoDesign for exchanging knowledge that encompasses a broad range of disciplines among various distinct communities.


Social Perspectives in EcoDesign

■Social Vision and Scenarios for EcoDesign
e.g., Sustainable society vision and scenario, Environmental ethics, Eco life style, Environmental education, Human aspects in environmental management, Social impact of emerging technologies, Green innovation strategy, CSR
■Sustainable Social Infrastructure Systems
e.g., Smart city, Green city, Green building, Green ICT, Energy efficient data center, Smart grid, Sensor-network for environmental monitoring system, Intelligent transportation systems
■Energy Management and New Energy Technologies
e.g., Photovoltaic technology, Advanced storage battery technology, Energy efficient vehicles, Renewable energy
■Global Issues in EcoDesign
e.g., Region- and country-specific issues, Transnational end-of-life product flow, Informal recycling in developing countries, Global reverse logistics, Resource depletion problem

Product Life Cycle Design and Business Strategy

■EcoDesign of Products and Life Cycles
e.g., Development of environmentally conscious products, Life cycle design, Evaluation and case study of EcoDesign, End-of-life strategy, Emerging packaging technology for EcoDesign
■Sustainable Consumption
e.g., Social acceptance of green products and services, Environmental consumer behavior, Green marketing
■Business Innovation
e.g., Green business design, green servicizing and convergence, Product service system (PSS), Service engineering, Green business diagnosis and forecast, Economic/environmental feasibility study, Eco-efficiency statistics

Sustainability Assessment and Incentives for EcoDesign

■EcoDesign Policy and Regulations
e.g., EcoDesign policy principles and application (Extended producer responsibilities, EcoDesign related policy instruments, EcoDesign standard, Product related environmental legislations, Regulation compliance technology
■Economics of EcoDesign
e.g., Environmental economics, Material flow cost accounting, Economic impacts of environmental regulations, Input-Output analysis, Green SCM, Emissions trading
■Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
e.g., LCA methodologies, Carbon footprint, Environmental product declaration (EPD), Eco-label
■Water Issues e.g., Water treatment, Water footprint

Sustainable Manufacturing and EOL Management

■Sustainable Manufacturing
e.g., Cleaner production systems, Industrial ecology, Environmentally friendly microfabrication processes, Life cycle management, Closed-loop supply chain management, Reverse logistics
■Rare Metal Issue & 3R Technologies
e.g., Recycling and disassembly, Remanufacturing technologies, Maintenance engineering