EcoDesign2023 Best papers Awards were awarded to the following authors and papers.
The Best Papers were selected from 73 e-book papers. The papers were evaluated in their scientific contribusion, practical contribution, and relevance to the symposium topics.
・Leander Pantelatos (1), Casper Boks (1), Elli Verhulst (1)
(1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
“Repurposing Lithium-ion Batteries for the Household Context: An Industry Investigation in Norway”
・Jundai Koketsu(1)、Aya Ishigaki(1)
(1. Tokyo University of Science)
“Facility location problem of stationary and mobile hydrogen refueling stations considering transport risk for hydrogen”
・Giovanni Formentini (1), Rembrandt H.E.M. Koppelaar (2), Deborah Leone (6), Siro Dell’Ambrogio (6), Alessandro Fontana (6), Fabiana Guggiari (6), Tina Frangez (3), Slavko Dvoršak (3), Janez Matavš (4), Kristina Obu Vazner (4), Lucía Herreras Martínez (5), Eniko Hajosi (5), Devarajan Ramanujan (1)
(1.Aarhus University, Denmark, 2.EcoWise Ekodenge Ltd., UK, 3.Surovina d.o.o. Ul., Slovenia, 4.Gorenje, Slovenia, 5.WEEEForum, Belgium, 6.University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland)
“Information Needs for Establishing Circularity Focused Collaborations Among Product Manufacturers and Recyclers”
The papers were included in the proceedings that were delivered to the symposium participants. Also, the papers become available through the E-book proceedings which are published by Springer in 2024.
EcoDesign2023 Award Committee
– [Chair] Masui, Keijiro (AIST, Japan)
– Fukushige, Shinichi (Waseda University, Japan)
– Nils F. Nissen (Fraunhofer IZM, Germany)
– Allen H. Hu (National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan)
– Casper Boks (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)